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Marta is an experienced and dedicated Registered Chartered Clinical Psychologist, Health Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Counsellor working with children, young people, their parents and families, and adults. She is a child-centred and person-centred therapist with a holistic approach. Marta is specialised in anxiety, depression, emotional and behavioural regulation, pain management, resilience, coping and mental health issues of people with chronic illness and potentially life-threatening diseases. She has extensive experience in the field of Psycho-Oncology, Psycho-Haematology, Psycho-Dermatology and Neuropsychology.

Services are offered in London. Arrangements can be made for services to be delivered at client’s home and school observations. Online services and phone counselling are also available. International clinical supervision and CPD training are provided to professionals and companies.

Why Clinical Psychologist?

Evidence-based mental health care solutions

A Clinical Psychologist connects thoughts and thinking, feelings and moods, behaviour and motivation, perception and reasoning to individual’s experiences of emotional distress, mental health issues and/or challenging behaviours.

A Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychologist helps children and adolescents with psychological and behavioural issues by employing specific approaches appropriate for this age groups such as play therapy, cognitive behavioural play therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, creative arts therapy, mindfulness, therapeutic stories, sand-play, music therapy, dance and movement, drama therapy, role-play, narrative therapy, and others.

Work of a Clinical Psychologist includes providing assessment through interviews, psychological testing and analysis of the client’s medical history and presenting issues in the context of his/hers individual circumstances and environment. In collaboration with a client (and their parents and/or family, in case of children/adolescents), the Clinical Psychologist will make a formulation and prepare a care plan that will be discussed and agreed upon. Also, if needed and so agreed, the school and/or nursery may be included in the assessment and the care plan.

Services to the highest standards

Clinical Psychologists are professionals that have spent at least six years of in-depth studying of psychology to be able to understand how people think, feel and behave. Clinical Psychologists are trained in a variety of therapeutic approaches and make informed and evidence-based decisions about the most appropriate therapeutic approaches and techniques for an individual, considering his or her specific circumstances. Their broad training enables them to work across age and ability ranges.

The Clinical Psychologist is a regulated profession with associated protected title. Health Care Professions Council (HCPC) ensures the top quality of competences and services provided by Clinical Psychologists in the register. High standards of continuous professional development and supervision are in place to make sure you receive appropriate, safe and ethical care. On the HCPC website one can check if certain Clinical Psychologist meets the high criteria and is a registered professional.

How Health Psychologist can help?

Promoting resilience and quality of life of people with chronic illness

Health Psychology is a specialised area of psychology that focuses on how biology, psychology, behaviour and social factors influence health and illness.

Great numbers of children use medical services. 1 in 11 children will be referred to hospitals outpatient clinic and 1 in 10-15 of those will continue receiving medical care as inpatients. Approximately, 15-20% children have a chronic disease or medical conditions that require regular treatment or care. Children and young people with a chronic illness are known to be at increased risk of developing psychological problems when compared to healthy children, with estimates of psychological difficulty ranging from 10% to 37%. There is a good evidence that those difficulties are emotional, and less behavioural. Although it is important to provide effective treatments for emotional and behavioural issues when there is a need, further aim is to promote resilience, positive adjustment and quality of life.

Maximising health outcomes

Overall aim of health psychology interventions and treatments is to “maximize health outcomes, minimize the emotional consequences of living with chronic disease and improve the quality of life for children, young people and their relatives” (Duff and Bryon, 2005).  Standard 6 of The National Service Framework for Children in Hospital (DoH, 2004) states: “Much can be done to help children and young people with long term conditions experience an ordinary life. A key element of this support should be good mental health input to maximise emotional well-being and prevent or minimise problems.”

Regulated profession

Health Psychologist is a regulated profession with associated protected title. Health Care Professions Council (HCPC) ensures the top quality of competences and services provided by Health Psychologists in the register. High standards of continuous professional development and supervision are in place to make sure you receive appropriate, safe and ethical care. On the HCPC website one can check if certain Health Psychologist meets the high criteria and is a registered professional.

Marta’s mission is to provide ways of healthier, better and longer life to her clients and their families

Marta can help you with

Services for Children & Young People

Services for Adults

Services for Professionals

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with Marta

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